Sum Function in Microsoft Excel - Basic Excel Knoweldge

 SUM Function in Microsoft Excel

The SUM function is very basic Microsoft excel formula that is also very simple and easy to use for students and professional. The sum function is use to calculate or do addition of numbers. It is use for summing of numerical data or numbers.

The sum function or formula automatically get updates whenever you change or add a value or delete a value. You do not need to change the formula or function as it it is auto calculated. The sum function use values as numbers, and cell ranges.

The syntax of the Sum Function:

The SUM function starts “ = “sign(remember all the excel function or formula always starts with = sign).

  1. Then type “ Sum “ and following up with opening bracket “ ( “.
  2. Now select the cell range or enter numbers seperated by “,” as follow:
  3. Complete with ending bracket “ ) “.

Sum a range of cells — Column wise: How to sum columns in excel
it is as easy to calculate or to sum columns as row.

Enter the formula “ =Sum(column_cell1, column_cell2,….) “

Excel Sum function example for summing up a column:

There is a data of students with the marks of English subject they have obtained. Now I am going to calculate the total marks of all students of the class class as follow:

Sum a range of cells — Row wise: How to sum a row in excel:
Here is an Excel sum formula shortcut for summing up a row. Simply apply the sum formula as shown above and enter the row cell addresses.

Enter the formula “ =Sum(raw_cell1, raw_cell2,….) “
There is a data of students with the marks of math subject they have obtained. Now I am calculating the total marks of all students of the class with sum function as follow:

Example #1:
Here is a sale data of a company named ABC Cosmetics Pvt. Ltd. of 10 years. We are calculating the total sale of last 5 years as shown below:

Example #2:
Here is an another example for calculating sale data for different years. We are to calculate the total sale amount of all 10 years of the company.

Example #3:
Janki has did some shopping today. She came at home and she is now going to calculate the total bill amount she purchased.

Example #4:
Paresh did some shopping for mobile and accessories. Here is the details of what he has purchased. Now to calculate the total bill amount as follow:

Example #5:
There are 5 division in the standard 10 of the school named “Sharsvati Vidhyalaya”. There are planning to go for a trip soon. Now there is a need to calculate the travel fees for all the student. So we are using sum function as follow:

Janki Salvi

Be the best version of you! Be the core of you! Break down barriers, create your own opportunities for yourself. Nobody can know better than you for yourself.

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