MS Excel Formulas List: What are the basic and main features of MS Excel

MS Excel Basics : Formula & Functions of MS Excel with Examples

(1) SUM Function in Microsoft Excel | How to use Excel Sum Function

The SUM function is very basic Microsoft excel formula that is also very simple and easy to use for students and professional. The sum function is use to calculate or do addition of numbers. It is use for summing of numerical data or numbers.

The syntax of the Sum Function:

(2) CONCATENATE Function in Excel | Microsoft Office Support

The Excel function “Concatenate” is used to combine the values from two or multiple text/cells in to one. The concatenate() function in excel is used to combine the text from different cells. This is useful to join two or more strings into one string.

How to use concatenate function in excel - Syntax:
=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, text3, text4, text5, …)

The trim() function is very useful and basic function. It is used to remove extra spaces from text, line or paragraph In Excel sheets or Google sheets.

To correct all these spacing mistakes we could use trim() function to remove extra spaces and make our content or texts in proper format.

Example for Trim() Function in MS Excel:
Just write the function starting with “=” sign, type function name trim following up with “(” now select the text that contains extra spaces and “)” complete with closing bracket same as follow. Press the enter and you will get the text without extra spaces, the result is:

(3)Excel If Function: Microsoft Office Support

The If function is an in-build function Microsoft Office. It is used to perform operations based on the condition or meanwhile it is used for logical comparison.
It performs logical test and returns the value based on the condition.

The syntax of If() function:

If(Condition, Value_If_True, Value_If_False)

Parameters/arguments of function:

Condition: The value that you want to test(enter a value manually or select the cell address)

2. Value_If_True: It is the value that will be returned is condition evaluates to true

3. Value_If_False: It is the value that will be returned when condition gets wrong.

 (4) AVERAGE Function In MS Excel

AVERAGE Function In MS Excel What is average function in Excel — Microsoft Support The Microsoft Excel AVERAGE Function calculates or returns the average for a set of selected numbers/values in an excel spreadsheet. It is use in many criteria like when you want to get or calculate your approximate value or an average.

(5) Count() function in excel: How to use count function?
The count function is used to count the total number of cells that contains numbers or numeric values.

It’s an easy to use basic excel function that returns total number of numeric data or numbers as a result.
Note: It doesn’t calculate the blank cells It is use to calculate count of total numeric values row wise and column wise both.

Let’s get started with simple examples :

(6) CountA() Function:

CountA function is use to calculate the cells of numeric data as same as count() function.

But, there is a difference : CountA() function counts all the cell that contains any type of data or information like error values, any text, empty text”” also. It also calculates both row wise and column wise. It counts cells that contains all type of data numeric and texts cell also.

Note: It doesn’t count empty cells like count() function.

(7) CountBlank() Function In MS Excel:

As it is suggests it is used to count the numbers of empty cells only. The syntax CountBlank() function is as same as the count function:


CountA function is use to calculate the cells of numeric data as same as count() function.

But, there is a difference : CountA() function counts all the cell that contains any type of data or information like error values, any text, empty text”” also. It also calculates both row wise and column wise. It counts cells that contains all type of data numeric and texts cell also.

Note: It doesn’t count empty cells like count() function.

(8) HLookup function — Microsoft Office | Basic and Advanced Excel Formulas

HLOOKUP in Excel -Excel formula with examples :

The Microsoft Excel — Hlookup function is used to look up for across row. It stands for “Horizontal Lookup”. It is used when your data and values are located in a row across the top of a table of data when you have to look up for a specified number of rows.

The syntax of Hlookup Function -
1 . The value or search term for which you have to look up
2. The data range or table array from where the hlookup function has to find the match data
3. The number of row or raw index number which you want to get as the result
4. 0 or FALSE for an exact match with the value your are looking for; 1 or TRUE

Syntax: HLOOKUP([value], [range], [row number], [false or true])

(9) XLOOKUP function with examples :-

The Microsoft Excel — Xlookup function is used to look up for across row and columns both. It searches for both horizontal data and vertical data. I performs a reverse search also.

The syntax of Xlookup Function:

1 . The value or search term for which you have to look up

2. The data range or table array from where the Xlookup function has to find the match data

3. The return array from where the Xlookup function will return the result

4. 0 or FALSE for an exact match with the value your are looking for; 1 or TRUE

(10) Vlookup in google sheet and in in Microsoft Excel sheets both are same:

The Microsoft Office VLOOKUP function in In Microsoft Excel Sheet and Google Sheet is use to search and get data from a range or table of well organized data.

The Vlookup stands for “Vertical Lookup” function. It returns data for the exact match of search key/value (use it to search for an item in a column and return data from that row if a match is found). The search values should be compulsory exact match with the table data or range of data you are searching for.

The VLOOKUP Function: Syntax and Formula With Example:

VLOOKUP(search_term, range, index(is_sorted])

You may find and learn more Excel Formulas here:

Janki Salvi

Be the best version of you! Be the core of you! Break down barriers, create your own opportunities for yourself. Nobody can know better than you for yourself.

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